


Seacoo is truly one of my favorite children's books. Not because I am the author but because it is a throwback to the kinds of stories that I grew up reading; books with relatable characters, incredible illustrations, creative storyline, and reflective and meaningful content for parent and child.


This story came to me in a dream. It played out as a movie. I was able to see the pandas, hear their voices, and smell certain scents like green tea (you have to read the story in order to understand). Since the dream was quite long I had to break the book up into several installments, the first simply being, Seacoo.  


Synopsis:  When his mother is too busy to spend time with him, a lonely panda bear cub is inspired by a new friendship to cultivate his passion for reading.

In this story Seacoo learns three valuable lessons:  

 friendship, reading,

and forgiveness.

Seacoo was written from the perspective of parent and child. I wanted to give children a voice that would remind parents of the importance of spending time with them. I wanted to give parents an opportunity to explain to their children that they truly are loved and are simply doing their best to provide for them.  While the children learn lessons about friendship, reading, and forgiveness, it is my wish that parents learn three additional lessons:  Be present. Be in the moment. Be aware

Seacoo was a six and a half year journey- from the dream to actually holding the printed copy in  my hand. I stumbled and fell many times. I often contemplated about giving up because the process was too hard, too expensive, and filled with too many unknowns. Finally, my fourth year in I surrendered.  I promised God that if he guided I would follow. I have not looked back since. In fact, my journey has become quite fun! =)

Click here to view the Seacoo trailer that my children created!

I love and appreciate listening to parents share how much this book has inspired them to be "a better parent." This proves that Seacoo has a purpose beyond just being a story.  The message is powerful enough to make parents aware of their shortcomings and make adjustments so that they can enjoy the gifts that they have been given, their children. We are never too old to read and learn. Seacoo is a story worth reading with our children and to ourselves . 

Purchase Seacoo:  Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Harvard Bookstore | Knew Books Publishing | Sister's Uptown Bookstore |Whole Foods

If it's not at your local retailer or public library simply request that they get it in!